One of the main life motives that I follow on a daily basis is exploration. The need to always be moving through different places falls necessary to my lifestyle. Through this point of view is where I decided to study the sub culture of urban neighborhoods in Chicago. This subject plays a major role in my personality and also in those of my fellow Chicago citizens, which is why it means a great deal to me. My photos generally consisted of a subject (being a person, place, or thing) and an environment to emphasize where the subject lives. The activity in the photographs focuses on what the subject may due on a day to day basis and how they go about their life in these specific neighborhoods. These neighborhoods and these subjects are a part of my life being reason that I grew up in the same or similar settings. These along with a selection of other photos were the center point of the concentration half for my AP portfolio. In the future I wish to produce a book solely based around this topic.
As a photographer it is my job to create the art, the photos of a time frozen within a frame. My photos take up a composition that show and give light to a corky scene. Capturing moments off Chicago streets to abstracting objects, it all allows me to make use of what I place inside that four-sided viewfinder. If I can take a picture that makes my audience look twice and smile I feel I have accomplished something unique.
Visual art to me is about narrating a story that would translate to the human sense. Photography is my form of speaking and story telling. My work involves conceptually based photographs. I believe that my work displays static subjects in which I seek to alter. In most of my pieces, I deconstruct the idea of self-image issues. Often times I manipulate the body in a non-conventional way in which distorts the human figure. The operation of light immensely contributes to abstraction of the human body. Shadows dominate the space within my photographs because I believe shadows can accurately display yet disfigure anything in its path just by controlling light direction. I often manipulate the space between objects to create a unifying pattern between various subjects. This is how I develop and produce my photographs. By seeking and exploring this aesthetic; it has given me the means to foretell my experiences and most importantly my perspective.
Students begin by selecting a subject to document. Topics can include a type of people, group of people, or activity. Below are some examples. One student chose to photograph behind the scenes at the restaurant where he works. Another chose a sculpture park on Chicago's North side. The idea is to photograph the topic on several different occasions. With the idea that each occasion will yield new insights into the chosen topic.
Marvin Gutierrez
Marvin Gutierrez
Marvin Gutierrez
Amanda Marco
Amanda Marco
Leif Novak
Leif Novak
Leif Novak
Marcelo Penaherrera
Marcelo Penaherrera
Deja Richardson
Deja Richardson
Deja Richardson
Maritza Vales
Maritza Vales
Like the concentration portion of the AP portfolio, this project asks the students to use all of their photographic knowledge from the school year. They must pick an interesting topic; one that they want to spend some time with. They must consider how light, color, time of day, and weather affect the meaning of their documentary. And like the concentration, they are now asked to consider how photographs fit together in a series.