Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter Open House

AAEP hosted a Winter open house to close out the 2009 calendar year. The event showcased the best work from students in the visual, performing, and culinary arts. With the aid of their teachers, AAEP students planned and installed their work in the 5th floor gallery of the Gallery 37 building. Here are some installation and event photographs:

You can see more at the Gallery 37 AAEP Flicker page, which is found if you click HERE.

There will be another open house in the Spring.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Environmental Portraits

An Environmental Portrait is a portrait and then some. The student must focus on the subject and the environment around the subject. In the best photographs the viewer learns something about the person from not only their body language, dress, etc, but also from their surroundings. Students are asked to establish a foreground, middleground, and background in their photographs. This forces them to consider the entire environment and how it relates to the subject.

Ben Lozano

Ben Lozano

Amanda Marco

Sannya Munir

Dolly Rivera

Maritza Vales

Maritza Vales

Andrew Vega