On Tuesday, March 15th, select students from Gallery 37 AAEP participated in the
Lisa Show at The Great Frame Up. The exhibit, which is put together by shop owners David and Marlowe Klitzky in honor of their late daughter, showcases student art. To learn more about the Lisa show, click
HERE.Here are a few student testimonies from AP Photography:
"The L.I.S.A. Show makes an artist feel greatly appreciated about his/her artwork. I was put on the spot to talk about my beautifully matted and framed artwork. To be honest, I felt as if that was going to be the most dreaded part of the night; I was wrong. When I recognized my framed photograph, it made me feel grateful and valued as an artist, which made me more comfortable with speaking about my piece. The best part of the night switched to everyone’s presentations about their artwork and methods used to accomplish their desired work. They were moments of fondness and respect for every individual’s medium that lifted the confidence and reassurance of young artists every year."
Michelle Czubernat"I was grateful when my teacher told me to take part in the L.I.S.A. Show. To see my artwork matted and framed for everyone to see gave me a feeling of appreciation and accomplishment. In the beginning, I wasn’t all too proud of the piece I had up on the wall, until people started to ask me if “the telephone pole picture” was mine. After saying yes, their expression of what looked like concern evolved to big smiles. The feedback I received about my piece raised my confidence to do what I was dreading the most; the presentation. When the time finally came, I wasn’t as nervous as I thought I would be. While I was being interviewed, I realized that confidence is key. Believe in yourself, and the beautiful artwork you make."
Mercedes Ruvalcaba
David Klitzky, owner of The Great Frame Up (left) and Ethan Moltz, AAEP student (right) discuss Ethan's black and white framed photograph.
Framed black and white photograph created by Mercedes Ruvalcaba.
David Klitzky, owner of The Great Frame Up (left) and Michelle Czubernat, AAEP student (right) discuss Michelle's framed photograph.
Framed color photograph created by Diana Martinez.
Framed color photograph created by Deja Richardson. Deja took first place honors in the Photography category and will participate in the Best of Show event at the Thompson Center on Sunday, May 17th.
"This year I was invited to be a part of the L.I.S.A. show. First, I had to choose a photograph to hang up at the show. During the time we were working on portraits and recently had a photo shoot with one of my good friends Angel and I decided to submit one of the photographs that I took of him. Once I made a big print of the photograph I had chosen, we waited till the day of the show. Before the show we had Pizza at Gallery 37 and it was a good time for us to get to know each other a little more. Our trip to the Great Frame up was interesting, as it was nice to see all the gallery kids together riding the train and walking around in a huge group. As we arrived to the Great Frame up I was pleased to see that my photograph was right in the entrance of the shop and I fell in love with the way they matted my work. We had to present our work and David Klitzky was interested in knowing how we made our work and what our plans for the future were. After everyone had presented their work they announced the winners and although my photograph didn’t win, I was honored to have my work displayed at the shop and knowing that we get to keep our work after the show was even more rewarding."
Diana Martinez"I was honored to be selected to take part in the L.I.S.A. Show. I appreciated the offer even more after finding out the back-story of the program. To be honest, when I was told that I would have to speak at the show, I was bit nervous. But talking about my work was actually surprisingly easy. Listening to all the little stories behind the artists’ work made me enjoy the art even more. Actually the whole experience was pretty inspiring, to be in a room full of other artists like me was energizing. Along with having my picture matted and framed beautifully. So Winning First Prize was icing on the cake. I am so grateful for this great opportunity!"
Déjà Richardson