Photograph by Dolly Rivera

Photograph by Dolly Rivera
Once we arrived, a member of the museum staff pulled out some original photographic prints from their collection:

Photograph by Dolly Rivera
Sannya Munir, a student from Jones College Prep, shares her thoughts:
The artist that struck out the most was Robert Mapplethorpe. We saw two of his photos, and both were entitled self-portraits. The first one was of his face, in which he was wearing make-up:

Photograph by Robert Mapplethorpe
It was from that picture that we learned about gaze. Gaze means where the person is looking at. It also refers to where the person viewing the picture first looks. The other Mapplethorpe picture was a Polaroid, of his hand on his bed. In my opinion that was the best picture we saw. It was beautifully put together, and had great form.

AP Photography class outside the MOCP at Columbia College Chicago